
This website uses only technical cookies of the following two types.

Site SPECIFIC cookies

The only cookie used directly by this website is named PHPSESSID and is solely used to manage the user's web session. It lasts for the time of the session itself.


Third party cookies used in this website are only those relative to Google Analytics service, directly supplied by Google.
These are only used to gather information, in aggregate and anonyomous form, on the number of users and how these visit the website. This information helps the owner to have a better understanding of his users and to improve the website (for example: page views, errors, number of users using each service to guarantee enough capacity and speed).
Following, the links of webpages of these parties and their information and policies:


Browser settings: how can I control cookies?

The browser's "Guide" should help the user to set cookie settings correctly: blocking or deleting unwanted cookies.

Alternatively it is possible to disable Google Analytics' cookies using the specific opt-out plug-in provided directly by Google for the majority of web browsers:

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